Significance Of Blood Supply During A Woman's Exercise Program

Significance Of Blood Supply During A Woman's Exercise Program
When using the woman's fitness techniques in a training session you will discover that your blood will fill the specific muscles or muscle groups you are training.

When you force blood into your muscles during your workout, it helps to create "micro trauma" or tiny tears in your muscles that are necessary for your muscles to improve and develop.

When you create these micro tears in your muscles, your muscle actually repair and rebuild itself and develop a firm toned look.

But for this to happen, you must allow sufficient rest. That's why you never work the same muscles or muscle groups two days in a row.

Your rest is as important as the actual exercise and nutrition part of your fitness program.

When you use proper exercise technique, you will feel a slight heat, fatigue and "burning" feeling people often mention the end of each set for all muscle groups you work.

If you do not notice any of this happens during your workout so you may need to adjust your exercise form and technique.

Furthermore, not the mistake of eating right for your conditioning session. This can cause your heart and digestive system to work hard and compromise the oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles you work.

Eat prior to your workout will not allow you to get enough blood to the muscles you work.

Digestion takes a lot of blood to work efficiently. The more blood your body sends to digest your food less blood available to go to your muscles to rebuild and increase strength.


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