The Amazing Health Secrets of Whole FOOD based Vitamins & Minerals.

The Amazing Health Secrets of Whole FOOD based Vitamins & Minerals.
Want to feel great, be healthy, have more energy and even lose weight!

Have you taken your vitamins & minerals every day for years, but are wondering if it's working!

Would you like to know about the benefits of whole foods and why it is important to include whole foods based Vitamins & Minerals in your supplement program?

This is one of those rare cases where you must:


Snap out of what you're doing. And give your full attention while you read these words because it is the best kept secrete to good health. After taking one of the most popular vitamin supplements for years ... ... After trying almost all health gimmick and trick in the book ... ... Having personally spent years as a health fanatic, vitamin shop owner, vegetarian and natural living guru ... Finally, we have cut it down to one very important health facts. ... ... the life-giving forces and health benefits of vitamins, minerals and enzymes in raw and whole foods override any synthetic man made vitamin, mineral or supplement.

You can never be healthy without daily consumption of raw & whole foods such as nuts, seeds, grains, fruits & vegetables. The sad fact is that in our modern society, we eat less and less raw whole foods and more and more cooked, processed, chemically preserved, chemically modified, fried food, not to mention synthetic based vitamins, food supplements and medicines. What is even more disturbing is the fact that large companies promoting these products (even with known side effects) for profit rather than good wholesome natural products.

The statistics speak for themselves, with escalating health problems and disease such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. You have to stop and think. What is wrong? What is missing! A healthy diet containing plenty of whole foods is probably the last thing on your mind.

You probably think you already eat well and have a healthy diet. Well, ask yourself this simple question, Do, I eat at least 3 to 4 servings of raw and whole foods, including nuts, seeds, grains, fruits & vegetables every day? The answer, I am sure is NO!

Less than 10% of Americans actually eat daily servings of fruit and vegetables. Even less, eat daily portions of whole foods as nuts, seeds and grains. Ask yourself another question, Have I dropped all sugar, dairy, red meat, fried and processed foods from my diet? Probably not, even fewer Americans skip these dangerous foods. Saturated fats are present in red meat, dairy products, processed and fried foods, and they are health enemy number one (full of free radicals). Even your doctor will confirm this.

Raw whole food vitamins, minerals and enzymes are the best kept secret to good health. There is simply no better way to be healthy, have more energy and even lose weight, you eat raw seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits each day. If time is a problem, so could you add a product PhytoVitamins Whole Food Vitamins & Minerals in connection with raw vegetables and fruit juices. PhytoVitamins is made from whole foods with natural vitamins and minerals, with the important "life giving" enzymes still in tact.

So what can you do? Well for a start planning your family eating habits for weeks, increase your intake of raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains (i.e. brown rice - not white rice), raw seeds and nuts (not roasted - RAW). If you are unable to consume all these new foods every day, supplement with a quality Whole Food based supplement such PhytoVitamins Whole Food Vitamins & Minerals. The PhytoVitamins range is excellent, and can be made with freshly squeezed lemon juice and spring water or a fresh fruit or raw vegetable juice every morning. (Get a juice extraction machine for best results - NO prepared juice from supermarket please!).

Six good reasons why you should include PhytoVitamins Whole Food Vitamins & Minerals with a raw vegetable or fruit juice in your daily diet - Everyday;

1. Feel great, be healthy, have more energy and even lose weight! Wow sounds too good to be true. The effect of raw whole foods has existed since the beginning of man, but is the best kept health secret.

2. In the last few years researchers have recognized that diets high in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds reduce risk of several diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. The important antioxidant "life-giving" properties of the vitamins, minerals and crude enzymes present in raw whole foods has been underestimated in the past, and now turns out to be crucial factors for good health.

3. Less than 10% of Americans consume the recommended 3 to 4 servings of whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables a day. The modern tendency to skip whole foods, consume refined and processed foods and supplements with synthetic based vitamins. This trend is detrimental to our long-term health. Make sure you get your daily intake of whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.

4. A synthetic vitamin is never 100% the same as the natural equivalent. Most brands of vitamin supplements available today are made from synthetic vitamins. These "vitamins" are chemical compounds produced in a laboratory to replicate the natural vitamin molecular structure. The synthetic vitamins are never 100% the same as the natural equivalent. They do not contain the important "life giving" enzymes, whole foods.

5. Most minerals and calcium supplements are either made of stone, coral, crude industrial minerals or synthetic-based compounds. These types of Minerals are in a form which is very difficult for the body to absorb. Although some of these raw minerals are treated, it remains doubtful whether or not proper sorption and what the long term benefits.

6. Your body is designed to absorb nutrients from food. For this reason most health experts agree that it is best to get your vitamins from food than from synthetic sources.


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